Filmszerzők és Előállítók Szerzői Jogvédő Egyesülete
Rules of Distribution
Annual Report
  magyar verzió
11 May 2017
The Board of Filmjus heard the presidential report of the year 2016 and the report of the Supervisory Board. Being aware of the previously circulated balance sheet, income statement, the supplementary annex and the report of the independent auditor, the present board members unanimously adopted the report for the year 2016.
The Board also unanimously adopted the amendment to the budgetary plan for 2017, which raised the planned budget for software develeopment by 12 million HUF. The source of the expenditures is the interest income realized for the subject year.
The Board adopted the amendment to the Rules of Distribution.
The president informed the present board members that Mr. Iván Bánki as Chairman of the Board of the Filmjus Foundation, is leaving the said position at his own request, due to his age. The management of Filmjus accepted his request with regret. The Filmjus Foundation's new chairman of the board will be Mr. Sándor Csukás, from 1st January 2018. Mr. Bánki will remain member of the Board.
The members of the Board heard the reports of the Filmjus Foundation and the Filmhouse Foundation, as well.

3 February 2017
The five CMOs concerned established together the website for information on private copy levies and its recovery, in accordance with the decision of the Hungarian Competition Authority.

14 December 2016
The competent ministry approved FilmJUS' Royalty Notice for 2017.

9 December 2016
The case of the CMOs was ended by entering into a legal commitment regarding the reimbursement of private copy levies by consumers.
The Hungarian Competition Authority accepted the legal commitment of the CMOs, which will enable the reimbursement of the private copy levies for consumers and also help the rightsholders and the levy payers understand the definition of private copy levy better.

8 December 2016
The Board of FilmJUS held its last meeting this year. The Board listened to the report of principal legal counsel about the legal affairs of FilmJUS in 2016. The Board members showed their appreciation for the successes by suggesting to reward the cooperating colleagues responsible for the success.
The Board members also listened to the President's suggestions regarding the authors of animation films, and decided that the decision must be preceded by a broad discussion and consultation with the concerning authors. To conduct the consultation the Board members appointed the President of the Society.
The Board discussed and unanimously approved the draft for the 2017 budget which was previously sent out to them.

3 November 2016
The litigation between FilmJUS and NKA is now over. The final decision of the Supreme Court is final and cannot be appealed. The Supreme Court ruled in the favour of FilmJUS and ordered NKA to pay back the legal costs (both first and second instance) and the disputed amount (29.663.430 HUF as principal) and its interests calculated from 13 November 2012.

In accordance with the regulations of the Act No. XCIII. Of 2016 on the collective management of copyright and related rights (hereinafter 'Kjkt.'), to maintain utmost transparency of our activity, we have published the information material described in the act.
Data related to Members can be found under menu item "Tagok & Adatok".
We also publish and update the lists, which contain the unknown or unlocated authors. These lists may help with the payment of royalties arisen during the distribution of the royalties.

7 July 2016
On 13 June 2016 the Hungarian Parliament adopted the Act No. XCIII. Of 2016 on the collective management of copyright and related rights (hereinafter 'Kjkt.'), which was published in the Hungarian Gazette No. 92. on 27 June 2016.
By adopting this new act, the European Parliament's directive on the collective management of copyright and related rights adopted in 2014 was transposed into Hungarian national law.
A substantial amendment is that collective management can only be carried out by so-called representative collective management organisations, which have an official licence for collective management. According to the transitional provisions of Kjkt., FilmJUS is considered such organisation. The new act requires FilmJUS to amend its specific regulations within a set deadline. About these amendments we are constantly updating our members.

12 May 2016
The Board of FilmJUS has heard the President's report about year 2015 and the report of the Supervisory Board. Based on the previously posted balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes on the accounts, and the report of the independent auditor, the present Board members adopted the report of FilmJUS for the fiscal year 2015.
Since the mandate of the Artwork Committee of FilmJUS has expired, the Board elected the new Artwork Committee, of which the members are: Mr. Frigyes B. Marton, Ms. Gyöngyi László, Mr. Gyula Radó, Mr. András Sólyom and Mr. Ferenc Varsányi.
The Board also adopted FilmJUS' Rules of Investment and Risk Management.
The Board heard and acknowledged the reports of Filmjus Foundation and Filmhouse Foundation about the year 2015.

On 5 May 2016 the Executive Committee of FilmJUS elected the chief executives of the two Foundations founded by them.
The Executive Committee re-elects the members of the FilmJUS Foundations' Advisory Board and the Supervisory Board. The president of the Advisory Board is Mr. Iván Bánki, vice-president is Ms. Zsuzsanna Böszörményi-Nagy, the members are: Mr. Zoltán Bacsó, Mr. Sándor Csukás and Mr. István Lénárt. The representative of the Foundation is Mr. Sándor Csukás. For bank documents and procedures the signatures of Mr. Csukás and Mr. Bánki are both required. The members of the Supervisory Board are: Mr. István Fabók as president, Ms. Dr. Ildikó Kormos and Mr. Géza Wéber.
The Executive Committee re-elects the members of the Filmhouse Foundations' Advisory Board and the Supervisory Board. The president of the Advisory Board is Mr. Kornél Lajos Viktorin, vice-president is Ms. Judit Kollány, the members are: Mr. János Bertalan Mata, Mr. Lajos József Nádorfi and Mr. István Lénárt. The representative of the Foundation is Mr. András Szolnoki. The members of the Supervisory Board are: Mr. Endre Péter Dunavölgyi as president, Ms. Dr. Elemér Káldor and Mr. Gyula Radó.

On 29 March 2016 the Visual Designers' Section of FilmJUS was founded, during the board meeting of 'MALÁT' (Society of Hungarian Visual, Set and Costume Designer Artists).
The secretary of the new section is Ms. Rita Molnárné Dévényi, who from now on will be invited to all Board Meetings of FilmJUS. We wish her great success with her new role.

25 February 2016
During the Electoral Meeting held today, the President's report about the previous period was heard and unanimously adopted. The present Members elected the Board Members and the Suoervisory Board Members for the next 4 year period.
The Board Members are: Mr. Lészló Babiczky, Mr. Iván Bánki, Ms. Zsuzsa Böszörményi, Mr. Bernát László Czető, Mr. Ádám Horváth, Mr. György Kabdebó, Dr. György Kárpáti, Mr. András Kisfaludy, Mr. János Mata, Mr. László Mihályfy, Mr. György Molnár, Mr. János Rózsa, Mr. György Sándor, Ms. Orsolya Székely and Mr. András Szolnoki.
Following the election, the Members held their first meeting based on two items of agenda. First they elected the Executive Committee and the President. The members of the Executive Committee are Mr. László Babiczky, Mr. Bernát László Czető, Dr. György Kárpáti and Mr. György Molnár, and the re-elected president is Mr. György Kabdebó.
The memebers of the Supervisory Board are: Mr. Gábor Dénes, Mr. Vilmos Füredi and Mr. Virgil Szilágyi.
After the election and following the president's informational presentation, FilmJUS unanimously adopted the financial plan for year 2016.

11 February 2016
The Board Meeting held today has unanimously acknowledged and adopted the report of the past 4 years' activities prepared by the president for the Electoral Meeting.
The Board discussed the suggested amendments of the Statutes presented by the president and the legal department.
The statutes must be amended in accordance with the new Hungarian Civil Code and the amendments to the Copyright Act expected mid-year which aim the transposing of the EU directive into the Hungarian national law.  The present Board members unanimously adopted the new Statutes.

On 22 January 2016
the General Assembly of the Association of Hungarian Film Artists adopted the following statement:
The Association of Hungarian Film Artists objects int he strongest terms against the Government's plan  to terminate the Hungarian National Digital Archive and Film Institute (MaNDA) without legal succession.
By terminating MaNDA, the fate of the uniquely valuable national film assets and the future of the public collection, the library, along with the research base of motion picture sciences become uncertain.
The culture of the Hungarian film is coherent and part of the national culture and heritage.
Film archives and film institutes are keepers and guardians of the national film-treasure, and the central institutions of the culture, science and memory of film.
MaNDA is part of these institutions. Its predecessor was founded in 1951 (Hungarian Institute of Film Science and Film Archive), then the digital department was added in 2011. This restructured form of the institution is still the only national film collection and reference library, which collects, takes care of, restores and makes available the national film treasure, provides the television channels, film festivals and international screening series with Hungarian films produced before the regime change. We, film authors, who created these values by decades of hard work, call upon the decision makers not to liquidate, not to barter away this essential institution of the Hungarian motion picture culture and memory. We also call upon the friends of Hungarian film to join us and protest against this new version of cultural destruction.

13 January 2016
The Executive Committee of FilmJUS convened the the election meeting to be held at 9.30 am on 25 February 2016. The meeting will take place at the Filmhouse (31/k. Ráday utca, Budapest, 1092).
The report prepared by the president of FilmJUS, which will be sent to all members via post.

6 January 2016
On 29 October 2015 the Budapest Court of Appeal gave its ruling on the lawsuit initiated by FilmJUS against NKA (National Cultural Fund). The court of appeal changed the first instance ruling and dismissed the application of FilmJUS. The first instance ruling ordered NKA to pay back the amount which was given to them by FILMJUS, plus interest and legal costs. The grounds of the ruling on appeal are as follows: "Based on the contract the obligations of NKA included the establishment of a special College and the distribution of the sources by issuing a tender. These obligations however are not obligations towards FilmJUS therefore FilmJUS has neither the means nor the opportunity to enforce its claim."
FilmJus is a Hungarian collective administration society for the protection of audiovisual authors' and producers' rights, in the territory of Hungary. FilmJus was authorized by the competent Ministry to perform collective administration in 1997.
FilmJus represents the following rights holders:
- directors,
- directors of photography,
- writers of audiovisual works (including scriptwriters and the writers of the pre-existing literary works) and
- film producers
- costume and set designers.
The activity of our organization includes the distribution of blank tape levies and remunerations for simultaneous, unaltered retransmission by cable.
- The so-called blank tape levy (which is due to compensate rightholders for the private purpose copying of their works and other subject matter) is to be paid by the manufacturer of the blank carrier, or in case of manufacture abroad by the person obliged under the law to pay customs duties, or - in the absence of obligation to pay customs duties - by the person who imports them and by their first domestic distributor, under joint liability.
- The simultaneous cable retransmission remunerations are to be paid by the cable service providers.

The remunerations for private copying and for retransmission by cable are collected by Artisjus - the society performing collective administration of rights in literary and musical works - in the terrirory of Hungary for all categories of rights holders. The remunerations due to directors, cinematographers, writers of audiovisual works and film producers are distributed by FilmJus.
Our distribution is based on the Rules of Distribution.
FilmJus makes deductions from the collected remunerations for the purposes of administration costs and - if necessary - for the reserve fund.
For year 2015 the deduction's percentage for administration costs is 15 %.

The represented rightholders
In Hungary the collective administration system is of an "extended" nature by law which means that if a collecting society is mandated to manage a certain right by a large number of right holders (and receives the Ministry's approval), the effect of such joint management is extended by law also to this right of those rightholders who have not entrusted the organization to manage their rights.
Practically this means that FilmJus represents all Hungarian authors and producers (and their legal successors).

Considering the international activity please see the separate file containing the (reciprocal) representation agreements with foreign sister societies. Based on these contracts FilmJus also represents thousands of foreign authors.
FilmJus is an ordinary member of CISAC.

    H-1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 14.; Hungary
+36-1-266-6588; +36-1-235-0416; mob: +36-20-931-8599;
fax: +36-1-266-4543

FilmJUS Legal Department
H-1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 14.; Hungary
+36-1-266-6588; +36-1-235-0416; mob: +36-20-931-8599;
fax: +36-1-411-1944;